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Donate to Provide Treatment to Someone in Need

Your Generosity Saves Lives

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Nine of every 10 people who need treatment do not have access to it.

Every day we receive calls from desperate family members telling us their son, daughter or sibling is struggling with alcohol or drugs and needs help. As a result of their substance use and addiction, their loved one may be in jail, unemployed or alone because their spouse and family have left. They often have no money, no insurance, and do not know where to turn.

If this sounds familiar, we understand. It seems that hardly any family has not been touched by addiction in some way. We understand how helpless it makes you feel when you can't help the ones you love.

Bridges of Iowa is here to help, but we can't do it alone. It takes a community, and we rely on the generosity of others. Please consider donating today. All contributions go directly to the care of someone who has no means to pay for treatment. Can we count on you?

If you or someone you know needs help, please call 515-287-8255.